Can You?…

All my life, I’ve been told what to be, how to look and what I “should be.”
They tried to dismiss me-all the people who didn’t like the way I walked…talked…looked.
If I wasn’t like everyone else, then I wasn’t acceptable ..
You know what?
That’s great with me.
Better to be hated for being authentic than to be loved for being fake.
So many wanted to drag me down because I was different from them.
I never gave them the chance- I don’t let negativity in my life..
And yes, while I’ve loved, I’ve lost, I’ve lived- I always did it all on my terms.
So many times, everyone thought I was finished,
That I was at the end of my rope.
They thought my days numbered and
My choices limited- because that’s what they wanted – to celebrate my demise.
That couldn’t have been further from the truth.
They never really saw me, and that’s fine.. but they saw every time I rose again and kept fighting.
But the thing is, they never really wanted to understand me- they just wanted to judge me.
That’s their sad reality..and one I’ll never be a part of, thankfully.
Never underestimate someone who has struggled, stumbled and is still smiling.
I’m more than a survivor and I’m still standing-
More than that, I’m thriving, rising higher than even I thought possible.
I’m a fighter that can’t be stopped, a soul that can’t be broken.
See, that’s the thing about people like me- we don’t know how to quit.
I’ll always get back up, no matter how many times I fall..
Stronger, wiser and better.
I live hard and I love harder.
Words can’t hurt me and deception won’t fool me.
I’ve got a full heart and a lot of love to give someone who gets me.
I don’t have the time or patience for empty promises or shallow words.
So, if you want to be part of my life, friend, lover, or otherwise..
Earn it.
Mean what you say and do what you say.
That’s the core of who I am and it’s what I deserve…no, it’s what I expect.
Respect, honor, strength, passion- it’s ingrained in parts of me in ways that I can’t describe.
Save the lukewarm passion and lighthearted courage for someone else, that’s not what i want in love or life.
So, if you’re ready to stand up and stand strong,
I’ll be right here, shining brighter than ever,
Waiting to love and respect you.
I’ve got a big heart and a tougher skin.
I’m a lover.
I’m a fighter.
I’m a dreamer.
Love me or leave me, I’m okay with not being everyone’s favorite flavor.
But can you accept me, with all my flaws and mistakes, my scars and baggage…without trying to change me?
I love me just the way I am.
The question is.. can you?

Author: nyxescapades

We are the travel generation. And it’s so easy to be with social media these days. We see pretty, perfectly filtered pictures of girls on the beaches of Bali, soaking up the sun in Santorini, casually relaxing in Costa Rica. We envy them, want to be them. And for a lot of people this is what they think of when they think of wanderlust. They think it’s being jealous of those pretty pictures, and wishing that’s the life they could have. But not me. See, I don’t think that wanderlust is the idea of looking at what someone else is doing and wanting it. I think we’re born with wanderlust. We’re born with the need to explore and have adventures. And when you’re born with wanderlust, with the need for travel and exploration, there is constantly adventure in your hearts and something in your mind that just keeps repeating, “Go.” And when I say I have wanderlust, it means I won’t be satisfied until I go. I want to learn new things, see new things, fill my life with new things until my cup runs over and my mind is blown with all of this new. I want to touch every grain of sand on every beach and swim in every ocean so I can tell you how different the waters are. I want to learn to say hello in every language and sleep under different skylines so I can tell you how different the stars are. I want to the hear the magic that I know is in the air that is never the same in two places. I want to get sunburnt and lost and find my way so that and the end of the day, I can tell you how wonderful being lost really is because it means you get to find your way back. I want to never be committed to one place, one routine. I want to wake up with different sunrises and say goodnight to different moons. I want to find the magic, the mystery, the beauty in every difference. When I say I have wanderlust, it means I just have to know what those differences, what those new things are. It means I’m never content if I’m not being a student of the world and paying attention because I know how much the world has to teach me. I mean that I need to have the answers, and I know that going is the only way to get them. And when I say I have wanderlust, it means I want to share it. So I go. I explore and I jump, I adventure and I get lost. I soak up all this knowledge, all these experiences, all of this magic. I learn and I take notes about all of this beauty and all of these incredible people, places and things. I make sure to drink in as much as I can so when I hear someone say, “What’s that like?” I can answer, “Let me tell you.” I go and I go not only to satiate my wanderlust, but to help to fuel and feed yours too. Because the beauty of wanderlust is that it is never ending. And the beauty of wanderlust is that we need each other to keep it. The beauty of wanderlust, is that it’s for all of us. So when I say that I have wanderlust, it means I’ll never stop going. And I hope you never stop too.

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